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The Auto Prompt feature gives you the capability to enter information into NBS Amicus more quickly than would otherwise be possible. It does that by automatically presenting information to you to choose from, with the amount of information you see conveniently filtered by a set of criteria that you specify.
You will find a button labelled Auto Prompt Entry on a number of different screens within the NBS Amicus system. A typical example is the Stock Take screen when the Auto Prompt Entry button is clicked, the following screen will appear:
Figure : First screen of the Auto Prompt feature
By selecting an entry from one or more of the four drop down list boxes and or two tree structures on this screen - Department, Manufacturer and Supplier – you instruct the Auto Prompt feature to only return information (shown on subsequent screens) which matches the criteria selected. Note that not every Auto Prompt screen necessarily contains all three fields, for example, you might see a version of this screen which only has the Department and Manufacturer fields on it. Regardless of the number of fields displayed, the filtering process works on the same basic principle each time.
When you click Start Entry, the screen shown on the following page will be displayed:
Figure : A typical example of an Auto Prompt entry
The contents of the Auto Prompt Entry screen, shown above, will vary depending upon the part of the NBS Amicus system which is being accessed at the time. For instance, in this particular example, the three fields Department, Manufacturer and Supplier are displayed whereas, on other occasions, maybe only the Department and Manufacturer fields would be shown.
Click Add to accept the information which is displayed on this screen. You will then be prompted with another screen of relevant information.
To take a break from looking at information, click Pause. NBS Amicus will remember where you are. The next time that you click the Auto Prompt Entry button (on the original screen where you first clicked it), the prompting of information will automatically resume where you last stopped.
Refer to the following sections to see where the auto prompt function is used within NBS Amicus: Creating a Purchase Order, Editing Purchase Orders, Enter Supplier Invoices, Enter a Stocktake and Transfer Stock.