Pole Display


Pole Display
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Preferences > This Register > Devices in This Register > Pole Display

Glossary Item Box

The Pole Display options allow you to display messages on a customer pole display device which is connected to this register.

If the pole display is physically attached to this register, select which serial, parallel or USB port the device is attached to in the Attached to port field. By default this will be your serial port, COM1.

Enter the Display width for the pole display. This is the number of letters or characters that the pole display will show on each line. This setting will vary from model to model of device so check the instructions for your pole display if you are unsure. The default option is 16 characters.

Select the Emulation Mode for your pole display to allow the characters to display correctly. By default this should be the name of the manufacturer of your pole display.

Clicking the Test Display button will display the message which is currently entered in the Pole Display Messages section of the Devices tab (to view that particular tab, click File on the Toolbar, then the Preferences option, followed by the All Registers option). If the message does not display at all, or alternatively, the characters are undecipherable, you may need to change the Emulation Mode or Display width to ensure that the message is displayed correctly.