Fuel Prepayments


Fuel Prepayments
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Modules & Other Devices >  Modules > Fuel Module > Fuel Controls > Fuel Prepayments

Glossary Item Box

The Amicus fuel module allows for customers to use a pre-payment option to pay for their fuel. This allows for greater flexibility to both the Fuel Manager as well as the customers. When a customer is using the pre-payment option the sales screen will display which pump is using the pre-payment option by displaying a PP Locked state (see also: Pump States).

Below is a Fuel Sales Screen in which pump number 1 has a customer that is using the pre-payment option to purchase their fuel.

Fuel Sales Screen Prepayment Example

When a pump is in the PP Locked state it is unable to be used until the pre-payment has been processed. Once the pre-payment is finalised the pump will revert back to

A customer has picked up the pump and is ready to start filling.



See Also