Add and Edit Stocktake Type


Add and Edit Stocktake Type
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Modules & Other Devices > Modules > Fuel Module > Fuel ConfigurationFuel Links > Add and Edit Stocktake Type

Glossary Item Box

The Add/Edit Stocktake Type screen allows you to assign stocktake types to product groups so that they are easy to control when stocktaking takes place.


To add a new Stocktake Type click in the Code field and enter a simple code which will represent the new record being created. Then click on the Name field to give the Stocktake Type a name that is relevant to the record being created.

The other buttons on this screen are:

Save: Click on the save button to save the record to the database.

Apply: The apply button will commit any changes that you have made to the record.

Find: Clicking on the Find button will bring up a screen with all the existing Stocktake Types in your database.

Delete: Click on the delete button to delete the record that is on the screen.

Clear: Click on the clear button to clear all of the fields that are on the Stocktake Type screen.

Close: Click on the close button to close the Stocktake Type screen.


See Also