



New Features And Enhancements In This Release

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In this section, we will briefly discuss the latest features included in this version of the software since the last release.  For a full list of changes, please refer to the "Release Notes" menu item in your Amicus installation (Menu Bar -> Help -> Release Notes).

Project Summaries

Main Screen Optimisation (Touch Friendly Main Screen) (New Feature)




Main Screen Optimisation (Touch Friendly Main Screen)


The main screen has now been converted into a customisable screen allowing you to re-position the traditional left navigation panel.  In addition to this, a user can now add background images, buttons, labels and text fields (capable of displaying values from the database such as daily sales totals etc).  Buttons can be linked to common functionality such as opening the sales screen or reprinting the last receipt.  This new feature will greatly enhance the main screens usability for both touch screen and standard monitor environments alike.

More Information:

Refer to the Customised Main Screen Layout article for more information.








Label Printing (A4 Sheets) - Improved Label List Manipulation (Enhancement)




Label Printing (A4 Sheets) - Improved Label List Manipulation


In the previous release, we added new functionality to make the in memory label list persistent, so that it would remain accessible after Amicus had been closed and restarted.  With this release, we have replaced the old A4 Sheet printing dialog with a new dialog that allows the user to load products from the persistent list, by code, or by multiple queries to the database restricted by a variety of product filters (departments, product groups etc).  With this new dialog, it is also possible to select and print a subset of the on-screen list, track when a product label was last printed, and retain a list for multiple print sessions.

More Information:

Refer to the Print Labels and Barcodes article for more information.








Diagnostic Tool (New Feature)




Diagnostic Tool


A new diagnostic tool has been added that will detect and repair (where possible), faults that are known to occur in Amicus, but are outside Neotechnology's ability to control.  These detections include known hardware generated faults and user error.  When a fault is detected, the user will have the option to repair the fault where possible.

More Information:

Refer to the Trouble Shooting article for more information.







Product Status (Enhancement)




Product Status


Product Status meanings have now been refined and their use has been expanded to more aspects of the software.  This will mean greater adherance product statuses throughout the various stock related screens in Amicus.

More Information:

Refer to the Product article for more information.






Multibuy Changes (Enhancement)




Multibuy Changes


Multibuy Pricing Rules have been altered to cover more multibuy scenarios and provides for improved order of operation handling and visibility of rules in effect.  Rules with the same order of operation and target that fire in a sale will now have some 'Best Outcome' processing performed on them.  In addition to this, a user may now select a sale item that has been effected by pricing rule(s) and clearly see the changes in order that they have been performed.  Receipts will now optionally show multibuy discounts.

More Information:

Refer to the Multibuy Pricing article for more information.







Smart Docket Resolution (Enhancement)




Smart Docket Resolution


The resolution of our Hospitality PDA device software has been enhanced to suit a wider variety of devices.  These devices include the 'Wide Fly' device, which is similar in weight and appearance to an iPhone.

More Information:

Refer to the Smart Docket Configuration  article for more information.