How to refund products


How to refund products
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Key Areas > SalesCommon Tasks & Practical 'How To' Guides > How to refund products

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The Amicus sale screens allow you to refund products by selling the product with a negative quantity. What this does is refund the quantity entered to the customer. To do this open up the sales screen and enter in/scan the product being returned and then enter in the quantity being returned as a negative sale.

Negative Sale Example

Figure : Negative Sale Example

The image above shows the sales screen on which the product (SAMPLE1) has had its quantity updated to a negative amount and the amount of the product is refunded to the customer.

Negative Sale

Figure : Sales screen with negative product sale

Finalise the sale as you would any other sale, instead of the customer paying for the sale they are refunded the amount they purchased the returned product for.

See Also