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Modules & Other Devices > Modules > Fuel Module > Fuel Shifts > Ending

Glossary Item Box

To end a fuel shift, click on Fuel Module from the Amicus Toolbar and then click on Fuel Shift. This will then open up a screen that is similar to the Start Fuel Shift screen, however the screen is called End Fuel Shift. The End Fuel Shift dialog is used to record the End Readings for each pump at the end of the staff members shift. This determines how much fuel each tank has delivered during the duration of the shift.

End Fuel Shift dialog

Figure : Ending Fuel Shift report

Start Date / Time – The time at which the readings took place. By default the Now box will be ticked because normally a fuel shift will end when this screen is opened. You can change the End Date and End Time by un ticking the Now checkbox and entering in different date and time settings

Sales Person – The member of staff responsible for taking the reading, indicated by the person logged on to NBS Amicus. This field is yellow because it is automatically populated by Amicus and is therefore unable to be edited.

Tank Readings – Volumetric measurements of all tank dips.

Pump Readings – Volumetric measurements of all of the pumps.

To end a fuel shift each of the pumps must has a End Reading entered. To enter a end reading, click in each of the pump rows and then enter the number into the End Volume field. When all of the end reading fields have ending volumes the Save button will now become able to be selected. Pressing save will end the fuel shift and clicking on the Close button will exit the screen. 

See Also