Additional Features


Additional Features
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Key Areas >  Stock Control And ProductsStock Control  > Enter a Stocktake > Additional Features

Glossary Item Box

Adding a new product during the “Unsubmitted” stocktake

If a new product is added while a stocktake is in the ”Unsubmitted” state, the cache will register that new product with a 0 quantity, this is due to, when the stocktake started, the product technically had a 0 quantity. When the new product is counted, a manual stock take is performed, a manual stocktake will performs all calculation on the database not the cache, as there should be no previous references to the new product the performance loss & time it takes to perform the calculation will be minimal to none.

Performing an Adjustment with a date preceding the “Unsubmitted” stocktake

If an adjustment is performed on a product listed in the “Unsubmitted” stocktake & the date of the adjustment is before the stocktake starting date, NBS Amicus will recognise that the adjustment will affect the stocktake. NBS Amicus will re-adjust the cached snapshot to reflect the adjusted product count.

See Also