Merging Tables


Merging Tables
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Modules & Other Devices > Other DevicesPDA > Smart Docket > Modifying an Open Order > Merging Tables

Glossary Item Box

When customers want to move to a different table, the tables can be merged.

To move a table to another table:

  1. Tap and hold the stylus on the required table to display a menu.

\\PLINKO\Documents\My Pictures\Neoteck\Smart Docket\move.png

Figure : Move tables

  1. Select Move. A Move screen will be displayed.

\\PLINKO\Documents\My Pictures\Neoteck\Smart Docket\move table.png

Figure : Confirm move screen

  1. Select the destination table. Figure shows the first table (Table 5 in Back Room area) will be the table to be merged and the second table (Table 4 in Back Room area) will be the destination table.
  2. Select Confirm. A dialog will be displayed, asking the user to confirm the move. The moved table will now be available.