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I am responsible for Stock Control & Maintenance | |
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Getting Started > Getting Around > Learning The System > I am responsible for Stock Control & Maintenance |
Glossary Item Box
This section is designed to assist users in all industries who are responsible for Stock Control and Maintenance, to learn how to operate Amicus for their role. Some of the advice given below will be more or less relevant to your individual situation and will depend on your individual configuration and hardware.
As a standard user, there are a few common tasks which you will likely be required to perform, as follows;
Step 1 - Getting Around - Most standard users will have access to a variety of screens. The most common of which is the "Main Screen" . From here, you will be able to access all other Amicus functionality, provided that you have sufficient security rights to do so. Refer to the Managing Roles article for more information on security rights. If you are new to Amicus, it is recommended that you read the article Main Screen , once you are happy with navigating your way around the main screen, please continue reading.
Step 2 - Stock Maintenance - This group of articles is related to the maintenance of stock and stock related records such as suppliers, manufacturers and departments. Some of these articles will be more or less relevant to your role and will depend on your businesses individual requirements, as well as the hardware you have available. Please select articles from the following list that relate to your business needs;
Step 3 - Stock Control - This group of articles is related to the stock control. It covers the common functionality used to ensure accurate stock levels, as well as articles on . Some of these articles will be more or less relevant to your role and will depend on your businesses individual requirements, as well as the hardware you have available. Please select articles from the following list that relate to your business needs;
Step 4 - Other Documentation And Material- There are a number of other documents designed to assist users in carrying out their primary business roles. Refer to the Other Documents article for a full list of these, and where you can get a copy. In regards to your specific role, we recommend the following;