Show Menu Categories on Product Pad


Show Menu Categories on Product Pad
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Modules & Other Devices > ModulesHospitality ModuleMeal Order (Core) > Menu > Meal Order Categories > Show Menu Categories on Product Pad

Glossary Item Box

Amicus allows you to add your menu categories to the product pad for fast and efficient ordering. This helps to speed up the ordering process. In order to do this you need to access the Meal Order Settings Screen. Accessing the settings screen can be done by clicking on Meal Order Module from the Amicus Toolbar and then clicking on Settings to bring up the following screen.

Meal Order Setting to show Categories on the Product Pad

Ensure that you have ticked the Show Menu Categories on Product Pad checkbox (as shown above). Doing this will add the menu category buttons to your product pad. You can also change the product pad menu button styles via the settings screen.

If, for example, your business has three menu categories (Beverages, Mains, and Desserts), then each of those categories will be displayed on the product pad. Below is an example where three menu categories have been added to the product pad based on ticking the Show Menu Categories on Product Pad checkbox.

 Categories on the Product Pad

Pressing the Beverages button will open up a new page that includes all of the menu items that are contained within the beverage category.

Menu Items on the Product Pad

You can also add specific menu categories to the product pad via the Managing Product Pad Pages dialogue.

Buttons that perform actions on the Meal Order Settings screen include: Save, Apply, and Close.

See Also