Stacked Sales


Stacked Sales
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Modules & Other Devices >  Modules > Fuel Module > Making Sales > Stacked Sales

Glossary Item Box

NBS Amicus Fuel Module allows for sales to be stacked and processed for a single pump. This means that one hose can have one active sale on the pump and one sale stored on the same pump in NBS Amicus at one time, i.e. there is one customer filling while one other is waiting to pay.

Note: Sales can only be stacked if you have a printer connected for printing the stacked sales. This is to comply with National Measurement Institute’s requirements regarding Primary Reading. You can add a printer for the stacked sales from the Fuel Configuration Settings screen.

Stacked Fuel Example

Figure : Stacked Fuel Pump Example

The above image shows a stacked sale has been made on fuel pump No.1. This means that this pump is no longer able to be used until one of the sales have been processed. Once one of the sales have been processed, the pump will be able to revert to a

A customer has picked up the pump and is ready to start filling.

',event)">calling state. 

See Also