Update Pricing


Update Pricing
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Key Areas > Stock Control And Products > Pricing > Update Pricing

Glossary Item Box

Pricing can be updated in bulk by using the Update Pricing menu option and uploading a file listing the new prices.

The Update Pricing option can be found by selecting the Products menu then Pricing and finally Update Pricing. The Update Product Pricing dialog is displayed as shown in Figure  below.

Update Product Pricing Screen

Figure : Update Product Pricing

Pricing files must contain a header row with the following field names:

  • Cost is the price of the item when recieved from the supplier and input a stock receipt in to amicus.

    i.e. you recieve x items for $3 and input a stock reciept for that amount. The cost at sale is $3 per item.


Browse to select source pricing file.

Select the Source File Format to separate fields on each line of the update file.

Import, Close