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Preferences > All Registers > Formatting

Glossary Item Box

The Formatting tab allows you to configure how currency values and symbols that are displayed for all the tills.

Formatting Tab All Tills

The Currency Format section of this screen gives you control over the decimal places and the symbols used for all the registers.

  • Money Decimal Places - This allows you to set how many decimal places are required for money.
  • Tax Decimal Places - Sets the amount of decimal places for any tax numbers that are used for every register.
  • Receive Products Decimal - Sets the amount of decimal places for when products have been received.
  • Price Per Decimal Places - This allows you to set how many decimal places are required for each items price.
  • Currency Symbol - Allows you to set which type of currency is being used within Amicus.
  • Negative numbers are shown as brackets - Ticking this box will ensure that all negative numbers (such as discounts) are displayed within brackets. This makes it easier to quickly see where negative numbers are being used.

The Calculation Precisions section of the formatting screen allows you to set how many decimal points are used when calculating the price per item or when receiving products. The more decimal points used in the calculation the more accurate the calculation will be.

The Stock Level Decimal Places allows you to configure how many decimal places are shown for the stock levels.