Fuel Adjustments


Fuel Adjustments
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Modules & Other Devices >  Modules > Fuel Module > Making Sales > Fuel Adjustments

Glossary Item Box

You may have many reasons for removing a sale, i.e. you may need to run tests on a pump or a customer may have driven off without paying. The actions will need to be logged, clearing a sale performs this and will invoke an adjustment.

To remove a sale that needs to be adjusted, click on the Reset button on the Fuel Sales Screen and then select the pump that needs to be reset. Doing this will bring up the following dialogue box.

Fuel Adjustment Warning

Figure : Adjustment types

Select the type of adjustment based on why the sale needs to be reset.

Drive Off - The motorist drove away without paying.

Test Delivery - The store clerk ran a test delivery on the pump.

Other - Click on this button if there is any other reason for the reset. Clicking on this will bring up the following screen where you can log the details.

Adjustment Other 

Close - This will stack the sale for processing later.


See Also