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Glossary Item Box

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z



A.B.N. Australian Business Number

Accounting Category
A grouping schema used to link a product to a specific account.

Accounts Payable

Accounts Receivable

Activity Type

Creates a record with the currently entered data.

Add Loyalty
Clicking this button will manually adjust the loyalty points by 1.

Adjustment Name
This refers to the type of price adjustment that the record has. For example this can be a decrease or increase in the retail price of the product based on a percentage or dollar amount.

Adjustment Type
The adjustment to stock, i.e. out of date, loss due to theft, increases due to shipments/returns, etc.

This will show all of the records that have met the filter parameters.

The quantity or value of a transaction or balance.

Applies the changes that has been made but does not exit the dialog.

As At
The time and date to calculate the results upon, i.e. the results are calculated from this date backwards to the beginning of time or the most recent stocktake.

Auto Prompt Entry
This feature gives you the capability to enter information into NBS Amicus more quickly than would otherwise be possible. For details about how to take advantage of this function, refer to Auto Prompt

Average Discount Percentage
This is calculated by totalling the discount fields for a specific discount type and then dividing by the amount of times the discount occured.


Select this button to display the previous screen.

Bank Account
Company or Customer bank account bsb/number.

The scanable code for a product, up to fifty (50) characters. Note that the EAN standard for bar codes only uses numeric characters (0-9) while other bar coding standards allow for alpha characters (a-z, A-Z). Barcodes containing special characters such as underscore (_), star (*), hash (#), etc, may cause scanning errors and are best avoided. When a barcode is entered a sample barcode is generated and displayed.

Base Sell Price
The price you sell the each product unit for, less any adjustments.

Base Sell Price (including GST)
The price you sell the each product unit for, less any adjustments and including the GST onto the price.

Book Cost Price
The origional value of the asset.

Book Cost Price (ex GST)
The original value of an assest, exluding any GST

Book Cost Price (inc GST)
The original value of an assest, including GST

Opens the Browse dialogue to select an item.

Bank State Branch number



A customer has picked up the pump and is ready to start filling.

Cash Type
The cash pick up or drop off type, i.e. safe drop, float pickup, morning float, petty cash, EFTPOS cash, etc.

Clears all screen fields (leaving data already saved to NBS Amicus).

Closes the displayed dialogue/screen

The Product Code

Colour (Color) of the displayed item.

User defined comment relating to the record.

A product which is part of a larger set. The set makes up another single product, i.e. drinks, cake & chocolate are components of a hamper.

Component Code
Component Product Code, see Product Code.

A customers account may be a company, the Contact is the primary person to contact for that business.

Copy Order
This will copy the order into a newly created order & set the new order status to entry.


Cost is the price of the item when recieved from the supplier and input a stock receipt in to amicus.

i.e. you recieve x items for $3 and input a stock reciept for that amount. The cost at sale is $3 per item.

Cost (ex GST)
The amount paid for a product from the supplier before GST.

Cost (inc GST)
The amount paid for a product to the supplier, including the GST calculation.

The number of records found.


Current Sell Price
The Base Sell Price including any current pricing rule adjustments.

The name of the customer for which the report is based on.

Customer Account
Customer account number.

Customer Group
A group which can contain any type of customers which you seem demable to group together, i.e. truck drivers, regulars, VIPs, etc.

Customer Name
The customers full name.

Customer Number
Unique customer identification number

Customer Range
Filters the available results by either e customers ID number or name.

The people and businesses whom you sell products to and who owe you money

Cycle Time
Time it takes to change images.


Information stored by NBS Amicus

Date and Time
The time and date when the record took affect

Date changed
This field is automatically populated by NBS Amicus when an item is entered or modified.

Date Entered
This is the date on which the transactions were entered into NBS Amicus.

Date Ordered

This refers to the date on which the order took place. Only orders that match the date specified will be shown.

Date Range
Period of time from the start date untill the end date

Date Range
The date time period between the start and end dates.

Date Supplied
Refers to the date on which the goods were supplied to the customer.


Default Area
The area that is automatically selected when a table service order is created. The default area tends to be the most widely used area within the business.

Removes the currently selected record from NBS Amicus.

Delivery Type
Type of delivery; Either a Drive-off, Test Delivery or Other type. The delivery of type Other will also include any notes related to the delivery, i.e. pump 4 leaked

The department within your company where the product is sold, i.e. toys, auto shop, fashion, sea food, etc.

Department Code
A Departments identification number


Money given during the processing of the hire to ensure that the product is returned in good condition.

Long description of the product up to 512 characters long.

The percentage amount that has been reduced off the RPP

discount per
The difference between the RRP of a product and the price for which that product was sold (Sell Price)

discount type
Shows which type of discount was used during the sale

Due Date
The date when the product is meant to be returned.


Allows the currently selected record to be edited.

Enable/disable referenced item or device.

End All Previous Price Changes
Select this checkbox to override any previous conditions for the record.

End Date Time
The date & time when the record finishes.

entry date time
Refers to both the date and time at which the record was produced

Entry Date TimeEntry Date Time
Unlike the Start Date Time, which indicates the date a record starts, the Entry Date Time is the date the record was created.

ex GST
Excluding TAX.


First in First out

The fuel pump is in operation.

Filter by last name
The filter by last name field allows you to only show the details of the customers that are within the From and To fields.

Searches for items that match the entered data.

End the process, operation or action.

Setting the hire frequency to fixed means that the hire does not have a return date. The product is hired out for as long as the customer needs it without any overdue fees.

Type of text.

Font Colour
Colour of the displayed text.

Font Size
Text size.


Gradient Colour
Colours displayed on the notifications bar

Grand Total
The total of all units costs, purchases, payment method amounts, etc. i.e. a report may list several customers account payments, each customer is a unit and will have a total, this total is the sub-total, the grand total is all the sub-totals.

Goods and Services Tax, NBS Amicus calculates the GST as one eleventh (1/11) of the cost including GST to four (4) decimal places, so occasionally the rounding of the GST amount may vary by one cent from the amount displayed on supplier documentation.


Opens the NBS Amicus Help document.

Hide Column

Hide/Show the desired column.

Hire Date
The date on which the hire took place.

Hire Fee
The cost of the hire (this does not include the deposit)

Historical Worth

The Historical Worth is similar to $$Worth$$, its the number of the items in stock by the most recently submitted cost instead of most recently recieved cost. i.e. you may recieve an item then sell it before its stock reciept is created.

When using $$FiFo$$

Sunday you recieve 10 items for $4 per item and put in a stock reciept, the total cost is $40 with a total worth of $40.
then you recieve another 10 items at a cost of $5 and submitt a stock receipt, then you will have 20 items at a total worth of $100 (at $5 each) and a total cost of $40 + $50 = $90.

On Monday you recieve an additional 10 items at a $6, with out submitting a stock reciept at the time.
On tuesday we sold 25 items. At this stage NBA AMicus will believe the cost to be $5 per item and records the sale item cost at $5 per item.

On wednesday we submitt the stock reciept for the 10 items at the cost price of $6 each.
Note: the sale records are not modified.
If a report is run for the period from Sunday untill Thurday, we will have the following results;

When calculating by cost the total will be, $40 (for the first 10) + $50 (for tthe second 10) + $25 (5x$5) (for 5 of the last 10), the cost is taken directly form the sale item record.
When calculating by worth total will be , $60 (for the first 10) + $60 (for the second 10) + $30 (5x$6) (for 5 of the last 10),
When calculating by historical worth, the total will be, $50 (for the first 10) + $50 (for the second 10) + $25 (5x$5) (for 5 of the last 10),

This shows that the worth is calculated from the last recieved cost, while the Historical Worth is calculated from the last submitted cost.



Ignore Cash Customer
If checked will not add the Cash Customer to the report

Ignore Payments Made At Time Of Sale
Ignores payments that occurred when the products were payed for at the time they were sold.

Ignore Stock Level
Figures given ignore the current stock level when calculated.

Ignore X
Ignores the x item when calculating results for the report, i.e. ignore sales would leave sales statistics out of the report.

Image Path
Location of an image or folder containing images.

Opens the items importing wizard allowing for importation of records.

Import File Items
Allows you to import products stored in a .csv file. refer to CSV importing for further information.

inc GST
Including TAX

Include Stock as Components

Allows the stock that is a component sof another to be marked in the report.

Includes inactive staff members
Includes inactive staff members, i.e. team members who have left from the business.



Last in First Out

Location with in a site. Usefull for large warehouse stores.

Log On
Individual user entering a security password or other method to access NBS Amicus using their individual account

Log Out
individual user closes their personal access to NBS Amicus whilst not actually exiting the NBS Amicus program

Loyalty Points
Loyalty points are accumuated by customers purchasing goods that generate customer loyalty points. These points can then be used to generate vouchers that can be redeemed.


Main Menu
The white menu on the left hand side of the screen. This menu includes sub-menus for Transactions, Administration, Search and Log Out

The person(s) or company who created the product.

Menu bar
The menu bar running across the top of each of the NBS Amicus screens. It includes sub-menus for File, Sales, Customers, Products, Suppliers and Help

Opens the merge dialogue.

Min. Purchase
For the discount to take effect, the sum must be at least this much.

Monthly Period
Displays the amount for a given period in a monthly basis; the current month, 1 month previous to the current, 2 month previous to the current and 3+ months to the current month.


Navigational Arrows
< and >, allow you to respectively scroll forwards and backwards through the items on the screen one record at a time. To quickly find the first or last items record, click either the |< or >| key respectively. These buttons appear at the bottom of all Add/Edit dialog tabs providing access to all products, customers, suppliers, etc.

Display the next dialogue.

Displays any notes that have been made in relation to the record.

The time and date at this immediate moment.

number of sales
Refers to the total number of sales where a specific discount type has been used.

Number of Units Sold
The amount of units that have been sold where a discount type has been used.


On Single Line
Displays results for reports on a single line. Allows for easy exporting of rows to external programs such as Excel.

An open order is one that has not been paid for.

Open Product Dialogue
Opens the add/edit product dialogue.

Order By
list the results in a given order. generaly either in assending or decending by alphabetical or numberical order.

Order Quote Number
Unique reference, invoice, order, transaction or quotation identification number.

A product is overdue if its return date is after the due date.


Pack Qty
The number of packs. Example; a piece count of 24 per pack, 3 pack qty gives a qty of 3x24=72 individual products. Pack Qty, Piece Count & Qty are intertwined, i.e. changing one will automatically update the other two, i.e. if you enter a quantity that will split a pack, the Piece Count & Pack Qty will be adjusted to the exact number of items required so the pack cant be split.

Pack Size
The number of items per pack.

Payment Method
How the product have been payed for, i.e. cash, cheque, customer credit/account, manual credit card, EFTPOS, etc.

Payment Number
The payment number.

Period Qty
Number of periods per annum.

Period Type
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly.

Piece Count
The number peices in a pack, i.e. a 6 pack contains 6 individual products. Pack Qty, Piece Count & Qty are intertwined, i.e. changing one will automatically update the other two, i.e. if you enter a quantity that will split a pack, the Piece Count & Pack Qty will be adjusted to the exact number of items required so the pack cant be split.

Points per
This field refers to the amount of loyalty points that each of the products have accumulated for the customer.

Preferred Stock Level
Level of stock that you should be contained at any one location to satisfy demand.


The customer has hung up the pump and is ready to purchase fuel.

Price Per Unit
The price for each unit (e.g. days, hours) of the hire.

Prints the record/invoice/order to the default printer.

Print Preview
Opens the record/invoice/order report.

The things, whether physical or a service, that you sell to customers.

Product Code
A unique code of up to fifty (50) characters. Used to identify the product or service within NBS Amicus.

Product Code Range
Only products that are within the parameters specified will be displayed

Product Group
A group which can contain any type of products which you would like to group together. Product groups are commonly used for price rules and reports. NBS Fuel requires product groups to flag wetstock for special cases. Hospitality would list common menu items under under product groups, i.e. drinks, mains, deserts, etc. Price rules can also be applied to all the products within a product group.

Product Pad
The product pad is located on the sales screen and encompasses all the buttons on the left hand side of this screen.

The amount of revinue after expenses.


Quantity or number of items.

Qty On Hand
The amount of stock that is availible in your business.


A receipted order is one that has been processed and paid for.

A reference number or note used to link references, i.e. invoice numbers to payment numbers.

Reference Number
This number is automatically populated by Amicus that gives the contract a unique number that is used as a reference for the contract

Updates the details displayed on the screen at any time.

Deletes the record from the database.

Reorder Stock Level
Level of stock to order repeatedly to boost the stock level to that of the preferred stock level.

Return Date
The date on which the product was returned.

ReturShelf Label
Displays the Print Labels & Barcodes dialog where shelf labels based on the entered product information may be printed.

Access rights available to a staff member.

Recommended Retail Price is the Base Sell Price including GST


Sale Number
Sale or purchase number

Saves the information and exits the screen.

Searching By
Displays the name & initials search for using the Starting with a character or Containing a word.

Select a Starting Letter
Allow the filtering of results by the first character in either the Surname, First Name or Company.

Select Search Text
Allow the filtering of results by a full word, including Surname, First Name and/or Company.

Sell Price
The Base Sell Price including all adjustments.

The computer that is storing the shared data for the individual terminals

A rotational working shift.

Short Description
Short version of the Description

The site name where the item is located.

Site Group
The group that the site is apart of

An items size. Typically used for fashion products, i.e. Boys Small, Girls Large.

Size Type
An items size type. Typically used for fashion products.

Sort By
Method of sorting listed results, either numerarically or alphabetically acending or decending.

A sale that was in pre-sale that has been pushed back due to another active sale taking place on the same fuel pump.

Staff ID
Staff members identification number

Staff Member
Member of staff who performed the action.

The time when the products price was introduced to Amicus

Start Date Time
The initial date & item of the record

The availability of the selected item or the stage a process is up to. 


Stock Level
Number of that product currently on shelf, in storage at any one site and/or to be ordered.

A full count of all products & services currently in stock.

Storage Location
The site where extra stock is located.

Storage Type
The required way a product is stored, i.e. cold store for frozen goods.

Sub Department
The Sud-Department within a Department where the product is sold, ie. childrens clothing, womens shoes and mens socks could be a sub-department under the fashion department.

The Sub-Department within a Department where the product is sold, ie. childrens clothing, womens shoes and mens socks could be a sub-department under the fashion department.

Submits the record to be processed.

The total of a units costs, purchases, amounts, etc. i.e. a report may list several customers account payments, each customer is a unit and will have a total, this total is the sub-total of the all the units combined.

Short description or abstract of the given report.

The person(s) or company who supplies the products.

Supplier Code
Unique code used in NBS Amicus to identify a supplier.

The people and businesses whom you buy products from and whom you owe money to


Commonly used computer storage mechanism. Given the large amount of information that NBS Amicus needs to store and access, it is not always possible to store all the required information on single screens. In those situations, additional screens are used, and each of those screens can be accessed by respectively clicking its tab – a tab is a small identifier located just under the title bar of a screen

The fuel tank identification number or name.

Government fees & charges.

Defined of a product sale has had Tax applied.

An individual cash register

The till name / number / ID

Time From

Only shows the records that start from this time

Time Interval
The interval in which the time is to be segmented by, i.e. x happens every y times in z days.

Time Slot
Makes the multibuy price changes apply to the time slot that you choose.

Time To
Only shows records that occur up to this time

The menu bar running across the top of each of the NBS Amicus screens. It includes sub-menus for File, Sales, Customers, Products, Suppliers and Help

total discount
Calculated by adding up the each of the Discount Types total discount columns.

total RRP
Calculated by adding up the RRP column for each Discount Type.

total sell price
The total amount for which a product was sold for.

total sell price
Calculated by adding each of the Discount Types total sell price columns.

Trading Status
Notifies of the status of the product, i.e. instock, out of stock, etc.

Transaction Number
Number identifying the transaction where the product was sold.

Transaction Type
The transaction perfomred, i.e. sale, refund, TIll opened/closed, log on/off, etc.

Transfer State
Unsubmitted, Transferred, Completed, Partly Received, Ready to Complete


Units sold
The amount of times the product has been sold.


sell price of the total purchase including Tax and any price adjustments.

View the invoice/order/report/record

The amount of x in litres.


Water Mark
Path of the image displayed under the main content.


The worth is the number of the items in stock by the most recently recieved $$cost$$.

i.e. you receive 4 items at a cost of $2 and put in a stock receipt for that cost, then recieve 2 items at a cost of $5 and put in a stock receipt at theat cost.

Using $$FiFo$$,

The total cost is $8 (4x$2) (for the first 4 items)  plus $10 (2x$5) (for the second 2 items) = $18,

The total worth is $20 (4x$5) (for the first 4) plus $10 (2x$5)  (for the second 2 items) = $30,

Using $$LiFo$$,

The total cost is $8 (4x$2) (for the first 4 items)  plus $10 (2x$5) (for the second 2 items) = $18,

The total worth is $8 (4x$2) (for the first 4) plus $4 (2x$2)  (for the second 2 items) = $12,


zero variance
No difference between the Recommended Retail Price and the Sell Price.