Glossary Item Box
The Stock Cache tab contains setting to allow current stock adjustments to be performed while you undertake a stocktake and to prevent any clashes in the system updating the main database while when you have many tills in action at any one time.
Figure : Set the options for storing stock information
Multiple till interaction
These two sets of options are used in conjunction. The application of the stock cache is to prevent multiple tills from updating the database all at once, preventing clashes in updating & tills locking up, this is less typical if there are only a few tills, however if there are many tills in operation you may come into this problem without the use of these options.
The stock cache interacts with the adjustments performed on products, select Use current stock level adjustments & set the number of day in which the cache data is stored. Any data in this cache older than the date will be permanently updated in the main store, freeing up cache space.
Set a time & click Deploy Schedule to force all tills linked to NBS Amicus to perform an update of all stock adjustments in the cache, this updates the database with all the adjustments performed & stored within all the tills caches, & updates tills caches accordingly so that all tills & the main store are all up to date..
Stock take adjustments
Select the Allow stocktake cache updating of sales to update stocktake information for any stocktakes currently being processed. Any sales and adjustments made for all tills will have the stock cache update all the stocktake figures, further information can be found in Enter a Stocktake.