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Configuration | |
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Meal Order > Meal Order Screen > Configuration |
Glossary Item Box
You will need to link the Service Screen specified in the installation with the Menu Categories on your database through a Meal Order Screen. You may have more than one Service Screen setup, i.e. one for the Kitchen and one for the Bar. The Meal Order Categories that are specific to each service area will need to be linked. NBS Amicus can be configured to set which screens a category is displayed on. i.e Desserts may be sent to the kitchen while Beverages goes to the bar. However you may also have several preparation areas, i.e. a coffee bar and a normal bar where sales occur, thus a coffee order would be sent to both. Refer to Meal Order Screens in Meal Order Settings for further information.
To pre configure problems, open Add/Edit Problem Types by selecting File, Maintenance followed by Add/Edit Problem Types.
Enter the Name of the type of problem, i.e. Out of stock. Click Save to exit.
More information regarding problem types can be found on the Add/Edit Problem Types page.
Next Open Add/Edit Problems by selecting File, Maintenance then Add/Edit Problems.
Enter the problem Description, Name and select the Problem Type. Once you have done this click Save to exit.
More information regarding problems can be found on the Add/Edit Problems page.