* SMS: Example in RPG ILE of using the LANSA Integrator
* SMSService.
* This example uses the SMTP (email) protocol to send the
* SMS details to the SMS gateway.
* You need to check:
* - The SMS gateway you are using accepts SMS messages
* for transmission in an email format.
* - The format of the email sent agrees with the format
* expected by your SMS gateway.
* Note: This is an example program containing only
* rudimentary exception handling
* To create this program you must execute the following commands,
* supplying the indicated parameter values and any others that are
* necessary in your installation:
* SRCFILE(<srclib>/<srcfil>)
* CRTPGM PGM(<pgmlib>/SMS)
* MODULE(<modlib>/SMS)
* BNDSRVPGM(<lansalib>/DCXS882X)
* To successfully run this example you will need an SMTP (email)
* server and an SMS gateway.
* These need to be set up in the file.
* For example:
* transport=smtp
* port=25
* server=
* subject=user+password
* You must replace the value of the following constants
* before compiling and running this example
* phoneno value needs to be replaced with mobile phone number to
* which the SMS message will be sent.
d phoneno c '+61412345678'
* message value can be replaced with the text of the
* SMS message
d message c 'Hello. Test message'
* emailfrom value needs to be replaced with the email addressee
* which will be used on the SMTP (email) sent to the SMS gateway.
d emailfrom c '[email protected]'
* Declare variables for the JSM calls
d jsmsrv s 50a inz(*blanks)
d jsmsts s 20a inz(*blanks)
d jsmmsg s 255a inz(*blanks)
d jsmcmd s 255a inz(*blanks)
d bytelength s 10i 0 inz(*zero)
* Completion messages
d CompMsg01 c 'JSMOPEN call completed.'
d CompMsg02 c ' SERVICE_LOAD call completed.'
d CompMsg11 c ' SET ENCODING call completed.'
d CompMsg12 c ' SET FROM call completed.'
d CompMsg20 c ' SEND call completed.'
d CompMsg98 c ' SERVICE_UNLOAD call completed.'
d CompMsg99 c 'JSMCLOSE call completed.'
* Procedure prototypes
d CheckResult pr
d crjsts const like(jsmsts)
d crjmsg const like(jsmmsg)
d SendMessage pr
d smText 512a VALUE
d smType 10a VALUE
* Prototypes for the JSM calls
* Open a connection to the default JSM server
* - because the server parameter is blank, details of the default
* JSM server are obtained from the data area JSMCLTDTA on IBM i
* or from the file jsmcltdta.txt on other supported platforms
c callp p_jsmopen(jsmsrv:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg01:'*COMP')
* Load the SMSService
* This loads and ititializes the service using the values defined in
* the file.
* This example explicitly turns tracing on.
c eval jsmcmd = 'SERVICE_LOAD'
c callp p_jsmcmd(jsmcmd:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg02:'*COMP')
* Examples of SET command
* The SET command may be used to override any defaults that are
* defined in the file.
* Set the encoding value
c eval jsmcmd = 'SET'
c + ' ENCODING(ISO8859_1)'
c callp p_jsmcmd(jsmcmd:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg11:'*COMP')
* Set the SMTP (email) FROM value.
* The FROM value will be used when sending the email
* to the SMS gateway.
c eval jsmcmd = 'SET'
c + ' FROM(' + emailfrom + ')'
c callp p_jsmcmd(jsmcmd:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg12:'*COMP')
* SEND the message
c eval jsmcmd = 'SEND'
c + ' TO(' + phoneno
c + ') MSG(' + message + ')'
c callp p_jsmcmd(jsmcmd:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg20:'*COMP')
* Unload the SMSService
c eval jsmcmd = 'SERVICE_UNLOAD'
c callp p_jsmcmd(jsmcmd:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg98:'*COMP')
* Close the connection to the JSM server and finish
c callp p_jsmclose(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg99:'*COMP')
c eval *inlr = *on
c return
* Procedure to check the result of a Java Service Manager call
p CheckResult b
d CheckResult pi
d crjsts const like(jsmsts)
d crjmsg const like(jsmmsg)
d crText s 512a
d crMsg1 c const('JSM Status : ')
d crMsg2 c const('JSM Message: ')
d crMsg3 c const('JSM Service error has +
d occurred')
c if crjsts <> 'OK'
c eval crText = crMsg1 + crjsts
c callp SendMessage(crText:'*DIAG')
c eval crText = crMsg2 + crjmsg
c callp SendMessage(crText:'*DIAG')
c callp SendMessage(crMsg3:'*ESCAPE')
c endif
p CheckResult e
* Procedure to send a program message
p SendMessage b
d SendMessage pi
d smText 512a VALUE
d smMsgT 10a VALUE
d smMsgI s 7a inz('CPF9897')
d smMsgF s 20a inz('QCPFMSG *LIBL ')
d smDtaL s 10i 0 inz(%size(smText))
d smStkE s 10a inz('*')
d smStkC s 10i 0 inz(1)
d smMsgK s 4a
d smErrC s 10i 0 inz(0)
c if smMsgT = '*ESCAPE'
c eval smMsgI = 'CPF9898'
c endif
c call 'QMHSNDPM'
c parm smMsgI
c parm smMsgF
c parm smText
c parm smDtaL
c parm smMsgT
c parm smStkE
c parm smStkC
c parm smMsgK
c parm smErrC
p e