1. ExcelReadServiceのロードに必要な一連の呼び出しを行います。
2. 注文行データが入っているExcelワークブック・ファイルを開き、そのファイルをJSMインスタンス・フォルダーの XLREAD.XLSファイルに書き込み、ファイルを閉じます。この簡単な例では、データはRPGプログラムでコード化されたコンパイル時の配列データからのものですが、同様にデータベースからでも、別のLANSA Integratorサービス呼び出しからさまざまな形式で受け取られたものでも構いません。
3. サービスをアンロードしてJSMサーバーとの接続を閉じます。
1. 構造XMLを作成する
ExcelReadServiceのWRITEコマンドを呼び出すと、ワークブックに書き込まれる注文行の項目を含む複数のオカレンス・データ構造が渡されます。これが機能するには、LANSA Integratorサービスで構造の特性を把握する必要があります。そのためには、構造を記述するXMLファイルを提供します。
a. JSMサーバーのJSMインスタンス・フォルダーでstructureフォルダーを探します。
b. XLCell.xmlとXLOrderLine.xmlというファイルを作成します。
c. XLCell.xmlファイルをテキスト・エディタで編集し、以下のxmlを貼り付けます。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rdml:structure xmlns:rdml="http://www.lansa.com/2000/XML/Function">
<rdml:field name="XLCELL" type="A" length="256" />
d. XLOrderLine.xmlファイルをテキスト・エディタで編集し、以下のxmlを貼り付けます。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rdml:structure xmlns:rdml="http://www.lansa.com/2000/XML/Function">
<rdml:field name="LINENUM" type="S" length="7" />
<rdml:field name="PARTNUM" type="A" length="7" />
<rdml:field name="PARTDSC" type="A" length="30" />
<rdml:field name="PARTAMT" type="S" length="9" decimal="2" />
<rdml:field name="PARTQTY" type="S" length="7" />
2. 構造XMLをJSMサーバーに登録する
a. JSMサーバーのJSMインスタンス・フォルダーでsystemフォルダーを探します。
b. structure.propertiesファイルをテキスト・エディタで編集し、以下のエントリーを貼り付けます(新しいエントリーが単体で個別の行に記述されるようにします)。
c. 変更内容を保存します。
d. JSMサーバー・インスタンスを再起動または更新します([Java Service Managerの更新」を参照)。
3. ILE RPGプログラム例を作成して実行する
* EXCELREAD: example in RPG ILE of using the LANSA Integrator
* ExcelReadService to write an Excel workbook.
* Note: This is an example program containing only
* rudimentary exception handling
* To create this program you must execute the following commands,
* supplying the indicated parameter values and any others that are
* necessary in your installation:
* SRCFILE(<srclib>/<srcfil>)
* BNDSRVPGM(<jsmpgmlib>/DCXS882X)
* Path of the Excel workbook created by this program
* - because no folder path is specified, the file will be created
* in the JSM instance folder by default
d xlfilepath c const('XLREAD.XLS')
* Declare variables for the JSM calls
d jsmsrv s 50a inz(*blanks)
d jsmsts s 20a inz(*blanks)
d jsmmsg s 255a inz(*blanks)
d jsmcmd s 255a inz(*blanks)
d bytelength s 10i 0 inz(*zero)
* Declare structure to send order line data to be written to the
* Excel workbook:
* - in this simple example, the data comes from the compile-time
* array data, but it could equally well have come from a database
* or received through another LANSA Integrator service call
* NB: This MUST match the structure xml provided to the JSM Server!
d xllist ds occurs(xlocur) based(xllistptr)
d linenum 7s 0
d partnum 7a
d partdsc 30a
d partamt 9s 2
d partqty 7s 0
d xlocur c const(2)
d xlsize c const(%size(xllist))
* Declare the compile-time array that provides the data for
* this simple example
d xldata s 60a dim(xlocur) perrcd(1) ctdata
* Completion messages
d CompMsg01 c 'JSMOPEN call completed.'
d CompMsg02 c ' SERVICE_LOAD call completed.'
d CompMsg10 c ' OPEN call completed.'
d CompMsg20 c ' WRITE call completed.'
d CompMsg30 c ' CLOSE call completed.'
d CompMsg98 c ' SERVICE_UNLOAD call completed.'
d CompMsg99 c 'JSMCLOSE call completed.'
* Procedure prototypes
d WriteCell pr
d wcR1C1 10a value
d wcCell 256a value
d CheckResult pr
d crjsts const like(jsmsts)
d crjmsg const like(jsmmsg)
d SendMessage pr
d smText 512a VALUE
d smType 10a VALUE
* Prototypes for the JSM calls
* Open a connection to the default JSM server
* - because the server parameter is blank, details of the default
* JSM server are obtained from the data area JSMCLTDTA on IBM i
* or from the file jsmcltdta.txt on other supported platforms)
c callp p_jsmopen(jsmsrv:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg01:'*COMP')
* Load the ExcelReadService
* - this example explicitly turns tracing on, overriding the
* settings in the manager.properties file
c eval jsmcmd = 'SERVICE_LOAD'
c callp p_jsmcmd(jsmcmd:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg02:'*COMP')
* Open the Excel workbook for writing
c eval jsmcmd = 'OPEN'
c + ' FILE(' + %trim(xlfilepath) + ')'
c callp p_jsmcmd(jsmcmd:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg10:'*COMP')
* Write some column headings
c callp WriteCell('3,3':'Line Number')
c callp WriteCell('3,4':'Part Number')
c callp WriteCell('3,5':'Part Description')
c callp WriteCell('3,6':'Unit Amount')
c callp WriteCell('3,7':'Unit Quantity')
* Populate the list to be written to the Excel workbook
* - in this simple example, the data comes from the compile-time
* array data, but it could equally well have come from a database
* or received through another LANSA Integrator service call
c eval xllistptr = %addr(xldata)
* Write the list of items from the compile-time array to the specified
* position in the specified worksheet:
* - this passes the multiple occurrence data structure
* (xllist) containing the items
* - the structure is described to the ExcelReadService by the
* structure XML identified by the SERVICE_STRUCTURE keyword - there
* must be a matching entry in the structure.properties file and a
* corresponding structure XML file
* NOTE: this call uses the JSMCMDX api in order to be able to send
* variable data (in this case the structure/list)
c eval jsmcmd = 'WRITE'
c + ' SHEET(ORDERLINES) R1C1(5,3)'
c + ' COUNT(' + %char(xlocur) + ')'
c + ' OCCURS(' + %char(xlocur) + ')'
c + ' SIZE(' + %char(xlsize) + ')'
c eval bytelength = xlocur * xlsize
c callp p_jsmcmdx(jsmcmd:xllist:bytelength:
c jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg20:'*COMP')
* Close the Excel workbook
c eval jsmcmd = 'CLOSE'
c callp p_jsmcmd(jsmcmd:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg30:'*COMP')
* Unload the ExcelReadService
c eval jsmcmd = 'SERVICE_UNLOAD'
c callp p_jsmcmd(jsmcmd:jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg98:'*COMP')
* Close the connection to the JSM server and finish
c callp p_jsmclose(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg99:'*COMP')
c eval *inlr = *on
c return
* Procedure to write a single cell at a time to the workbook
p WriteCell b
d WriteCell pi
d wcR1C1 10a value
d wcCell 256a value
c eval jsmcmd = 'WRITE'
c + ' R1C1(' + %trim(wcR1C1) + ')'
c + ' COUNT(1) OCCURS(1)'
c + ' SIZE(' + %char(%size(wcCell)) + ')'
c eval bytelength = %size(wcCell)
c callp p_jsmcmdx(jsmcmd:wcCell:bytelength:
c jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp CheckResult(jsmsts:jsmmsg)
c callp SendMessage(CompMsg20:'*COMP')
p WriteCell e
* Procedure to check the result of a Java Service Manager call
p CheckResult b
d CheckResult pi
d crjsts const like(jsmsts)
d crjmsg const like(jsmmsg)
d crText s 512a
d crMsg1 c const('JSM Status : ')
d crMsg2 c const('JSM Message: ')
d crMsg3 c const('JSM Service error has +
d occurred')
c if crjsts <> 'OK'
c eval crText = crMsg1 + crjsts
c callp SendMessage(crText:'*DIAG')
c eval crText = crMsg2 + crjmsg
c callp SendMessage(crText:'*DIAG')
c callp SendMessage(crMsg3:'*ESCAPE')
c endif
p CheckResult e
* Procedure to send a program message
p SendMessage b
d SendMessage pi
d smText 512a VALUE
d smMsgT 10a VALUE
d smMsgI s 7a inz('CPF9897')
d smMsgF s 20a inz('QCPFMSG *LIBL ')
d smDtaL s 10i 0 inz(%size(smText))
d smStkE s 10a inz('*')
d smStkC s 10i 0 inz(1)
d smMsgK s 4a
d smErrC s 10i 0 inz(0)
c if smMsgT = '*ESCAPE'
c eval smMsgI = 'CPF9898'
c endif
c call 'QMHSNDPM'
c parm smMsgI
c parm smMsgF
c parm smText
c parm smDtaL
c parm smMsgT
c parm smStkE
c parm smStkC
c parm smMsgK
c parm smErrC
p e
**CTDATA xldata
0000001123 Gasket Paper 0000009950000010
0000002456 Gasket polymer glue 0000013270000005