* Uses Integrator Services: ZIPSERVICE
* This form is a very simple Windows Zip file processor.
* It allows you to:
* - create zip files
* - open existing zip files and list their contents
* - add files or folders to the open zip file
* - extract the contents of a zip file to a specified folder
* NOTE: This program is provided only to demonstrate usage of
* the ZipService. To keep it simple, it has rudimentary error
* handling and does not necessarily demonstrate recommended or
* efficient programming technique or user interface design.
* The following field must be defined in your repository:
* filepath string 512
* jsmsts alpha 20
* jsmmsg alpha 255
* jsmhdle char 500
* jsmcmd alpha 4
function options(*DIRECT)
begin_com role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_FORM) bordericons(SystemMenu) caption('LANSA Integrator ZipService RDMLX Sample') clientheight(435) clientwidth(738) formposition(ScreenCenter) framestyle(Dialog) height(469) left(439) top(115) width(746)
define_com class(#PRIM_APPL.ICommonDialogFileOpen) name(#openFileDlg) reference(*DYNAMIC)
define_com class(#PRIM_APPL.ICommonDialogFileSave) name(#saveFileDlg) reference(*DYNAMIC)
define_com class(#PRIM_LTVW) name(#LVContent) componentversion(2) displayposition(1) fullrowselect(True) height(366) left(9) parent(#COM_OWNER) showsortarrow(True) tabposition(1) top(35) width(416)
define_com class(#PRIM_LVCL) name(#LVCL_1) displayposition(1) parent(#LVContent) source(#FILEPATH) widthtype(Remainder)
define_com class(#PRIM_LABL) name(#LABL_1) caption('Zip contents:') displayposition(2) height(14) left(8) parent(#COM_OWNER) tabposition(2) tabstop(False) top(8) width(125)
define_com class(#PRIM_GPBX) name(#GPBX_1) caption('File:') displayposition(3) height(66) left(434) parent(#COM_OWNER) tabposition(3) tabstop(False) top(23) width(289)
define_com class(#PRIM_PHBN) name(#btnNew) caption('&New...') displayposition(1) left(20) parent(#GPBX_1) tabposition(1) top(21) width(100)
define_com class(#PRIM_PHBN) name(#btnOpen) caption('&Open...') displayposition(2) left(164) parent(#GPBX_1) tabposition(2) top(21) width(100)
define_com class(#PRIM_GPBX) name(#grpAdd) caption('Add:') displayposition(4) enablechildren(True) height(169) left(434) parent(#COM_OWNER) tabposition(4) tabstop(False) top(96) width(289)
define_com class(#PRIM_PHBN) name(#btnAddFile) caption('Add File...') displayposition(1) enabled(False) left(20) parent(#grpAdd) tabposition(1) top(22) width(100)
define_com class(#PRIM_PHBN) name(#btnAddFolder) caption('Add Folder:') displayposition(2) enabled(False) left(20) parent(#grpAdd) tabposition(2) top(71) width(100)
define_com class(#PRIM_LABL) name(#LABL_4) caption('Folder:') displayposition(7) height(18) left(140) parent(#grpAdd) tabposition(7) tabstop(False) top(76) width(125)
define_com class(#PRIM_EDIT) name(#edtAddFolder) displayposition(3) height(18) hint('Specifies the folder to add') left(139) parent(#grpAdd) showselection(False) showselectionhilight(False) tabposition(3) top(95) width(128)
define_com class(#PRIM_LABL) name(#lblAddBas) caption('Base:') displayposition(6) height(17) left(138) parent(#grpAdd) tabposition(6) tabstop(False) top(120) width(127)
define_com class(#PRIM_CMBX) name(#cboAddBas) comboboxstyle(DropDownList) componentversion(1) displayposition(5) height(18) left(138) parent(#grpAdd) showselection(False) showselectionhilight(False) tabposition(5) top(138) width(127)
define_com class(#PRIM_CBCL) name(#CBCL_1) displayposition(1) parent(#cboAddBas) source(#STD_INSTR)
define_com class(#PRIM_GPBX) name(#grpExtract) caption('Extract:') displayposition(5) enablechildren(True) height(129) left(434) parent(#COM_OWNER) tabposition(5) tabstop(False) top(272) width(289)
define_com class(#PRIM_PHBN) name(#btnExtractFile) caption('Extract to:') displayposition(1) left(20) parent(#grpExtract) tabposition(1) top(34) width(100)
define_com class(#PRIM_LABL) name(#LABL_3) caption('Folder:') displayposition(5) height(17) left(136) parent(#grpExtract) tabposition(5) tabstop(False) top(40) width(129)
define_com class(#PRIM_EDIT) name(#edtExtractFolder) displayposition(2) height(18) left(136) parent(#grpExtract) showselection(False) showselectionhilight(False) tabposition(2) top(56) width(128)
define_com class(#PRIM_STTC) name(#STTC_1) displayposition(4) height(3) left(20) parent(#grpAdd) tabposition(4) top(60) width(245)
define_com class(#PRIM_LABL) name(#lblExtBas) caption('Base:') displayposition(3) height(17) left(135) parent(#grpExtract) tabposition(3) tabstop(False) top(80) width(127)
define_com class(#PRIM_CMBX) name(#cboExtBas) comboboxstyle(DropDownList) componentversion(1) displayposition(4) height(18) left(136) parent(#grpExtract) showselection(False) showselectionhilight(False) tabposition(4) top(97) width(128)
define_com class(#PRIM_CBCL) name(#CBCL_2) displayposition(1) parent(#cboExtBas) source(#STD_INST2)
define_com class(#PRIM_STBR) name(#STBR_1) displayposition(6) height(24) left(0) messageposition(1) parent(#COM_OWNER) tabposition(6) tabstop(False) top(411) width(738)
define field(#bResult) type(*boolean)
define field(#bIgnore) type(*boolean)
define field(#zippath) type(*string)
define field(#ziptitle) type(*string)
define field(#caption) type(*string)
def_list name(#ziplist) fields(#filepath) type(*Working) entrys(*MAX)
def_list name(#cmdlist) fields(#std_num #std_name #std_textl #std_text) counter(#std_count) type(*Working) entrys(*MAX)
evtroutine handling(#com_owner.Initialize)
set com(#com_owner) caption(*component_desc)
* start local JSM server and load the ZipService
use builtin(jsmx_open) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg #jsmhandle)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
#jsmcmd := 'service_load service(zipservice)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
evtroutine handling(#com_owner.Closing)
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle 'service_unload') to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
use builtin(jsmx_close) with_args(#jsmhandle) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
evtroutine handling(#com_owner.CreateInstance) options(*NOCLEARMESSAGES *NOCLEARERRORS)
* initial state
#com_owner.OnOpenArchive( false )
* load combo boxes
#std_instr #std_inst2 := '*NONE'
add_entry to_list(#cboAddBas)
add_entry to_list(#cboExtBas)
#std_instr #std_inst2 := '*CURRENT'
add_entry to_list(#cboAddBas)
add_entry to_list(#cboExtBas)
#cboAddBas.CurrentItem.Selected := True
#cboExtBas.CurrentItem.Selected := True
#std_instr #std_inst2 := '*PARENT'
add_entry to_list(#cboAddBas)
* put a hint in the folder edit boxes
#edtAddFolder.Value := '<type folder path>'
#edtExtractFolder.Value := '<type folder path>'
* Create an archive file
evtroutine handling(#btnNew.Click)
#sys_appln.CreateFileSaveDialog result(#saveFileDLG)
#saveFileDlg.AddFilter( 'Zip files (*.zip)' '*.zip' )
#saveFileDlg.AddFilter( 'All files (*.*)' '*.*' )
#saveFileDlg.Title := 'New'
#saveFileDlg.Show okpressed(#bResult) formowner(#com_self)
if (#bResult)
* close existing file
* create a zip file
#jsmcmd := 'create file(' + #saveFileDlg.file + ')'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* save details
#zippath := #saveFileDlg.file
#ziptitle := #saveFileDlg.file
#com_owner.OnOpenArchive( true )
#com_owner.caption := #saveFileDlg.file
* Select an archive file to open
evtroutine handling(#btnOpen.Click)
#sys_appln.CreateFileOpenDialog result(#OpenFileDLG)
#openFileDlg.AddFilter( 'Zip files (*.zip)' '*.zip' )
#openFileDlg.AddFilter( 'All files (*.*)' '*.*' )
#openFileDlg.Show okpressed(#bResult) formowner(#com_self)
if (#bResult)
* open the file
#com_owner.OpenFile( #openFileDlg.file #openFileDlg.filetitle )
#com_owner.caption := #openFileDlg.file
* select a file to add to the current archive
evtroutine handling(#btnAddFile.Click)
#sys_appln.CreateFileOpenDialog result(#OpenFileDLG)
#openFileDlg.AddFilter( 'All files (*.*)' '*.*' )
#openFileDlg.Show okpressed(#bResult) formowner(#com_self)
if (#bResult)
* open the current archive file
#jsmcmd := 'open file(' + #zippath + ') mode(*write) reaplce(*no)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* add the specified file to the current archive
#jsmcmd := 'add file(' + #openFileDlg.file + ')'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* close the current archive file
#jsmcmd := 'close'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* reload archive contents
#com_owner.OpenFile( #zippath #ziptitle )
evtroutine handling(#btnAddFolder.Click)
* open the current archive file through the ZipService
#jsmcmd := 'open file(' + #zippath + ') mode(*write) replace(*no)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* add the specified folder to the current archive
#jsmcmd := 'add path(' + #edtAddFolder.Value + ') base(' + #cboAddBas.Value + ')'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* close the current archive through the ZipService
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle 'close') to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* reload archive contents
#com_owner.OpenFile( #zippath #ziptitle )
evtroutine handling(#btnExtractFile.Click)
* open the current archive file through the ZipService
#jsmcmd := 'open file(' + #zippath + ') mode(*read)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* extract archive contents to the specified folder
#jsmcmd := 'get entry(*read) to(' + #edtExtractFolder.Value + ') base(' + #cboExtBas.Value + ')'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* close the file
#jsmcmd := 'close'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* open or create a zip archive, or refresh the displayed contents of the current archive
mthroutine name(OpenFile)
define_map for(*input) class(#prim_alph) name(#iZipPath)
define_map for(*input) class(#prim_alph) name(#iZipTitle)
* close existing file
* open the file through the ZipService
#jsmcmd := 'open file(' + #iZipPath + ') mode(*read)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* read the contents into the list box
clr_list named(#ziplist)
#jsmcmd := 'get entry(*list)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg #ziplist)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
selectlist named(#ziplist)
add_entry to_list(#LVContent)
* save details
#zippath := #iZipPath.Value
#ziptitle := #iZipTitle.Value
#com_owner.OnOpenArchive( true )
* Close the current archive
mthroutine name(CloseFile)
clr_list named(#LVContent)
#zippath := *null
#com_owner.OnOpenArchive( false )
* Set controls on open or close of archive
mthroutine name(OnOpenArchive)
define_map for(*input) class(#prim_boln) name(#iOpen)
#grpAdd.Enabled := #iOpen
#grpExtract.Enabled := #iOpen
* check the JSM return status
mthroutine name(check)
define_map for(*input) class(#jsmsts) name(#i_status)
define_map for(*input) class(#jsmmsg) name(#i_message)
message msgtxt(#i_status + ' :' + #i_message)