Checking spelling in a document or template
Checking spelling in a note or history item
Checking spelling in an opportunity or activity
Checking spelling in an e-mail message
Checking spelling in the Contact, Group, or Company Detail view fields
About the spelling checker
The spelling checker scans ACT! Word Processor documents or templates, e-mail messages, notes, histories, activities, and opportunities for errors in spelling. You can check the spelling in individual fields within the Contact Detail view, Group Detail view, and Company Detail view. The spelling checker compares the words in your ACT! text item to words in a standard dictionary file (Main.dct) and a user dictionary file. The spelling checker can suggest alternate spellings and words.
You can set your spelling preferences to initiate a spelling check automatically each time you create or edit an activity, history item, note, or opportunity. You can enable the auto-suggestion feature, select and modify dictionaries, and choose types of words to ignore.
You can maintain the user dictionary as a custom dictionary for proper nouns and technical terms unique to your business. If you want the spelling checker to accept the proper names of individuals, companies, and products you frequently refer to in documents and communication, you can add these words to the user dictionary.
You can create additional user dictionaries for the spelling checker. However, the spelling checker uses the standard dictionary file and only one user dictionary file when checking spelling. If you want to use a different user dictionary, you must select it in Spelling Preferences.
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