Adding files to the Documents tab
You can link contracts, presentations, inventories, invoices, and more to one or several contacts, groups, or companies by adding them to the Documents tab.
You can add any type of file to the Documents tab, but you can only edit and print files created in an application that is currently installed on your system. |
To add a document to a contact, group, or company record
Display the contact, group, or company record to which you want to add a document.
Click the Documents tab.
On the Documents tab, click Add Document.
In the Attach File dialog box, browse to the document you want to add, and then click Open.
ACT! Premium for Web Server adds the document to your ACT! database, creates a link between the document and the current record, and displays the file Name, Size, File Type, and Date Modified on the Documents tab.
A faster way to add a file to the Documents tab is to use Windows Explorer to browse to the file, and then drag it to the tab. |
If you add an Excel spreadsheet to the Documents tab and you have Excel installed, you can merge values from ACT! into the Excel spreadsheet. |