Description: |
The type of border surrounding a control. |
Used for: |
Any field or label. |
Value |
Result |
None |
No border is applied. |
FixedSingle |
Applies a single line for the border. |
Fixed3D |
Applies a raised line for the border. |
Default: |
None |
To use this property |
Click in the right column of the BorderStyle field, and then select None, FixedSingle, or Fixed3D from the list.
Description: |
The type of border surrounding a control. |
Used for: |
Specifying the style of the control's border. |
Value |
Result |
Transparent |
Applies the border as invisible. |
Solid |
Applies a solid line as the border. |
Dash |
Applies a dashed line as the border. |
Dot |
Applies a dotted line as the border. |
DashDot |
Applies a border that alternates between a dash and a dot. |
DashDotDot |
Applies a border pattern that has two dots for each dash. |
Default: |
Transparent |
To use this property |
Click in the right column of the Border Style field, and then select the option from the list.
Border Style
You can change the Border Style property from the: