To complete opportunity information
In the Opportunity Name field, type the name of the opportunity.
In the Contact field, select the contact from the list.
You can only select one contact per opportunity; however, you can associate an opportunity with a group or company by selecting the group or company in the Associate With field. The opportunity displays on the group or company detail view. |
In the Associate With field, click the browse (...) button if you want to associate the opportunity with a group or company.
Select a Status, Process, Stage, and Est. Close Date using the calendars and lists.
When you select a stage, the Prob (%) field displays the percent associated with the stage. Type over the default to change it. |
To select product information
From the Name list, select a product name, or type the name of a product.
Products typed in the Name field will not be available for other opportunities. To add a product to the list, in the Name list, click Edit List. For more information about adding products to the list, see Adding, editing, and deleting an item in the product list. |
From the Item # list, select the product's item number.
The default settings for the product display in the Quantity, Cost, Price, Adj. Price, Discount, and Subtotal fields.
(Optional) In the Quantity column, type the quantity.
(Optional) To adjust the price of the product per unit, type the price in the Adj. Price column or type the percent discount in the Discount column.
The currency type that is used in opportunities is defined by the Windows regional settings when you create your database. Once the database is created, there is no way to change it. |
To add a product to the opportunity
Click the Add button, and then select a product from the Name list.
To delete a product
Select a product from the list, and then click Delete.
To generate a quote
You must have Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word 2000, 2002, or 2003 installed to generate opportunity quotes. |
Click the Quote button.
To complete User Fields
If User Fields have been defined, type additional information in Opportunity Fields 1-8. For information on defining opportunity fields, see About fields and field attributes.
You can copy and paste text from another application into the Details tab. |
To add opportunity details
Click the Details tab.
Type the details in the edit box and use the buttons to format the text.
(Optional) To print the opportunity details, click Print.
To complete the Opportunity Info tab
Click the Opportunity Info tab.
(Optional) If you want to select a different date for the Open date field, select a date from the calendar.
The Close date and Reason fields are only enabled when the Status for the opportunity is Closed - Won, Closed - Lost, or Inactive. |
(Optional) Select a Close date from the calendar.
(Optional) In the Reason field, type the reason for closing or deactivating the opportunity, or select the reason from the list.
(Optional) In the Referred by list, select or type the source that referred the opportunity.
(Optional) In the Record Manager list, select the name of the Record Manager for the opportunity.
(Optional) In the Competitor field, type the name of the person or business competing for the opportunity.
Opening opportunities
To open an opportunity
From the toolbar, click the New Opportunity tool.
The Opportunity dialog box appears. For field definitions, press F1.
Complete information about the opportunity.
Complete the fields in the Products/Services tab.
Complete the fields in the User Fields tab.
Complete the fields in the Details tab.
Complete the fields in the Opportunity Info tab, and then click OK.
To make the opportunity private so that other users cannot view it, select Private.
Only the Record Manager, Administrator, or Manager can make the opportunity private. |
To schedule an activity regarding the opportunity, click the Follow Up button.