Changing the common properties for multiple objects at one time
You can change the common properties of all fields and objects at one time. Some of the common properties for all fields and objects are the alignment properties, which align objects left or right. You can change the alignment of all objects through the Format menu in both the Report and Layout Designer.
You can also change the common properties for a group of objects. For example, you can select multiple field labels and use the Properties window to change the font properties for the labels. For more information about selecting multiple objects, see Selecting more than one object in a report template or layout. For more information about the Properties window, see Using the Properties Window in a report template or layout.
To change the common properties for objects at one time
Open a report template or layout.
Select the objects you want to change. If you want to change all objects, from the shortcut menu, click Select All.
Modify the objects using the options on the Format menu.