Filtering activities on the Activities tab or Task List

ACT! Premium Web 2005 Server

Filtering activities on the Activities tab or on the Task List

You can use filter options to restrict the activities that display on the Task List or on a tab. You can narrow the activities based on date, activity type, or priority; you can also choose to show timeless, cleared, Outlook, and your private activities. Filter settings apply until you change them.

If filters are hidden, you will see the Show Filters button. Click Show Filters to display the filter options. If the filters are shown, you can hide them by clicking the Hide Filters button.

To filter activities on a tab

  1. From a Detail view, click the Activities tab.

The Filter Activities dialog box appears. For field definitions, press F1.

  1. In the Dates list, select a date option.

  2. In the Types list, select the check boxes for the activity types you want to display.

  3. In the Priorities list, select the check boxes for the priorities you want to display.

  4. To display activities for specific users, click the Select Users button, select the contacts whose tasks you want to view, and then click OK.

  5. From the Options menu, select options you want to use in the filter: Show Private, Only Show Timeless, or Show Cleared Tasks.

The Options menu is located on the right side of the window.

Selecting Show Private includes your private activities on the list. You cannot view the private activities of other users.

To filter activities in the Task List

  1. On the navigation bar, click Task List.

  2. If filters are hidden, click Show Filters.

  3. In the Dates list, select one of the date options.

  4. In the Types list, select the check boxes for the activity types you want to display.

  5. In the Priorities list, select the check boxes for the priorities you want to display.

  6. (Optional) To display activities for specific users, click the Select Users button, select the contacts whose tasks you want to view, and then click OK.

  7. (Optional) To display private, timeless, cleared, or Outlook activities, from the Options menu, select Show Private, Only Show Timeless, Show Cleared Tasks, or Show Outlook Tasks.

The Options menu is located on the right side of the window.

You can set filters so that the Task List shows private, timeless, cleared, and Outlook tasks, but you can only select one item at a time. To select another item, click the Options button again, and then select the option.

Selecting Show Private includes your private activities on the list. You cannot view the private activities of other users.