Clearing activities
To clear an activity
Select the activity that you want to clear by doing one of the following:
Select the activity, click the Schedule menu, and then click Clear Activity.
Select the activity, and then from the shortcut menu, click Clear Activity.
In the Calendar view, click the check box next to the activity in the Recap List.
In the Task List or the Activities tab, click the check mark column.
The Clear Activity dialog box appears. For field definitions, press F1.
Click Clear, and then select the result from the list.
To include activity details with the history, make sure the Add Details to History option is selected. If necessary, edit or add activity details, and then click OK.
Changes appear in the Regarding field in the contact's History tab. If you cleared an activity that is scheduled with a private contact, you will create a history record for that contact even though you cannot see the contact.
Depending on the preferences you set, uncleared activities automatically roll over to the next day. However, activities scheduled with multiple users and resources will not roll over. For more information about scheduling preferences, see Setting scheduling preferences for activities. |