Selecting more than one object in report templates or layouts

ACT! Premium Web 2005 Server

Selecting more than one object in report templates or layouts

You can select more than one object at a time. This allows you to quickly change or move a block of objects. You can change common properties in the Properties window. For more information about changing properties in the Properties window, see Using the Properties Window in a report template or layout.

To select all objects in a report template or layout

  1. Open a report template or layout.

  2. From the Edit menu, click Select all.

  3. (Optional) To remove one or more objects in your selection, press and hold SHIFT, and then click the object(s) to cancel the selection.  

To select an  individual object in a report template or layout

  1. Open a report template or layout.

  2. Press SHIFT, and then click the objects.

To select a block of objects in a report template or layout

  1. Open a report template or layout.

  2. Click inside the form, next to the objects you want to select (do not click on an object), and drag to include all objects in your selection.

When you drag your pointer, a "box" surrounds the objects included in your selection.

Start dragging from the object closest to the top and left corner, down to the object in the bottom and right corner.