About the ACT! Premium for Web Server Dialer

ACT! Premium Web 2005 Server

About the ACT! Premium for Web Server Dialer

Using the Dialer in ACT! Premium for Web Server, you can dial contacts, and manage or time calls you make when using the Dialer, while scheduling activities or performing other tasks for the contact with whom you are speaking. The Dialer acts as an extension of your telephone and modem.


  • A modem that shares a line with your telephone.


  • A telephone equipped with Telephone Application Programming Interface (TAPI) hardware and the appropriate telephone driver software installed on your computer. The Dialer uses TAPI technology included with Microsoft Windows. TAPI functions as a link between your computer and your modem or telephone.

Before using the Dialer, you must set preferences for how it works with your telephone or modem. You can also set up the behaviors of the Dialer, such as whether or not the timer should start immediately for outgoing calls and whether or not to hide the dialer after initiating a call.

For information about the features your modem supports, see your modem documentation or contact your modem vendor. For information about using your telephone with the Dialer, contact your telephone administrator or telephone system vendor.

How do I...?

Set up the Dialer

Select a contact to call

Make a call using my modem

Time outgoing calls

Add a Dialer tool to the toolbar