Adding an event
You can schedule an event to display on each user's calendar, depending on the user's preferences. Users specify the preference for events in Calendar Preferences. For more information about setting calendar preferences, see Setting preferences for calendars.
Events do not show in reports and are not checked for conflicts with other activities. Events are timeless activities that can be set as recurring and display as a banner on calendars.
To add an event
From the Schedule menu, point to Manage, and then click Events.
The Manage Events dialog box appears. For field definitions, press F1.
Click Add.
The Add Event dialog box appears. For field definitions, press F1.
In the Event Name field, type the name of the event.
In the Date and Duration fields, select the date for the event and the duration.
Select one of the occurrence options: Once, Monthly, or Yearly, and then click OK.
The event appears in the Events list of the Schedule Events dialog box.