Understanding sections in report templates

ACT! Premium Web 2005 Server

Appears on the first page of the report only. The Report Header could be the name of the report.

Appears on every page. The Page Header might be used to display a graphic, logo, date, or column heading.

This contains all of the information you want in your report.

Appears on every page. Can be used for page numbers, date, and time.

Appears on the first page of the report only. May contain summary information for the entire report.

Understanding sections in report templates

Report templates allow you to create sections of information. The type of information you can display on a template depends on the report type you are creating: a contact, company, group, product, or opportunity report template.

Each report type allows you to specify the type of information you want to display in the sections of the report. For example, in an Opportunity report template, you add opportunity fields to the sections. In a Contact report template, you add contact fields to the sections.

A new template has five default sections:  

Report Header

Page Header


Page Footer

Report Footer

You cannot delete or change the order of the five default sections, but you can hide a section that you do not want to display, add fields to a section, indicate the page break behavior for a section, and resize a section to make room for fields.

You can also add a new section to a template. Section titles for new sections and the five default sections do not appear in the report. When you add a section, you also add a section header and footer. You can add fields and text that contain the information you want to include in the report.

For example, to create a report template to generate the secondary contact name and all phone numbers associated with the secondary contact, in the section header, add text called Secondary Contact Name and Numbers. In the detail area of the section, add the name and number fields.

For new sections, you can specify the sorting behavior or delete it. For more information on adding a section, see Adding and removing a report section.

How do I...?

Add and remove a report section

Hide a section in a report template

Showing a section in a report template

Resize a section in a report template

Setting options for a section in a report template