You can change the PictureAlign property in the Report Designer.
Description: |
Indicates where the picture is placed within the borders of the control. |
Used for: |
Specifying the location of the picture within the control. |
Value |
Result |
LeftTop |
Aligns the picture in the top left corner of the control's border. |
CenterTop |
Aligns the picture at the top and center of the control's border. |
RightTop |
Aligns the picture in the top right corner of the control's border. |
LeftBottom |
Aligns the picture in the bottom left corner of the control's border. |
CenterBottom |
Aligns the picture at the bottom and center of the control's border. |
RightBottom |
Aligns the picture in the bottom right corner of the control's border. |
LeftMiddle |
Aligns the picture along the middle of the left border of the control. |
CenterMiddle |
Aligns the picture in the exact center of the control. |
RightMiddle |
Aligns the picture along the middle of the right border of the control. |
Clip |
Clips the picture to fit within the control's border. |
Zoom |
Magnifies the picture to fit the height of the control's border. |
Stretch |
Stretches the picture to fit the entire area within the control's border. |
Tile |
Tiles the picture across the control's border. |
To use this property |
Click in the right column of the PictureAlign field, and then select one of the options.