Getting driving directions for contacts

ACT! Premium Web 2005 Server

Getting driving directions for contacts

You can get driving directions to a contact's location using the MapQuest Driving Directions dialog box. The origin location defaults to your My Record address information, and the destination location defaults to the current contact record's address information, but you can change the information for both as needed.

To get driving directions for a contact

  1. From the View menu, point to Internet Services, point to Internet Links, and then click MapQuest Driving Directions.

  2. In the Origin and Destination boxes, keep the default information or type new information. For field definitions, press F1.

  3. Click Drive It!.

The MapQuest Web page opens and contains the driving directions.

  1. To save this information to the contact's History tab, from the browser's Tools menu, click Attach Web page to ACT! contact.