About companies and divisions

ACT! Premium Web 2005 Server

About companies and divisions

A company is a record type similar to a group, but with additional functionality. For example, you can create a contact from a company, create a company from a contact, and convert groups into companies.  

Companies can also have divisions, just like various divisions in a company. A company can include up to 15 divisions. You may want to create a division for all contacts that work in a certain department within the company. In addition, you can create an unlimited number of sub-divisions.

You also have the ability to link a contact to a company. The link can be seen in the company field of the contact record. A contact can be a member of several companies, but each contact can only be linked to one company. Linking a contact to a company provides benefits such as updating contact information with company fields and automatically associating activities, notes, histories, and opportunities to that linked company.

You create and manage companies in the Company Detail window. The Company Detail window has many of the same features as the Contact Detail window, such as their own definable fields and layouts, and tabs for adding or removing contacts as members, inserting or viewing notes, histories, activities, and opportunities.

The Company Detail window also contains the View Groups/Companies button. Click this button to easily select a group or company for viewing.

How do I...?

Work with companies

Work with fields and layouts

Related Topics

About contacts

About groups