Write and send an e-mail message
Check spelling in an e-mail message
Check names before sending an e-mail message
Display or hide the Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) field
Change the e-mail system when writing a message
Attach a company or division record to an e-mail message
Attach a contact record to an e-mail message
Attach a group or subgroup record to an e-mail message
Attach a file to an e-mail message
Attach a scheduled activity to an e-mail message
Add bulleted or numbered lists in an e-mail message
Change font attributes in an e-mail message
Change text and background colors in e-mail messages
About the New Message window
You use the New Message window to write an outgoing e-mail message. There are many ways to open the New Message window. Here are a few:
Click the New button on the ACT! E-mail window toolbar
Click E-mail Message from the Write menu
Click an e-mail address for a contact
Click the Write E-mail Message tool
Use Mail Merge
From the New Message window, you can write and send a message, format the text, color and style of the new message, select recipients for the message, and insert a picture or hyperlink.
You can attach a contact, group, or company record, and a scheduled activity.
Also, you can check the spelling for a message, check the recipient names and addresses, request a return receipt, or specify whether to create a history item showing that the message was sent. You can send the message immediately or store it to send later.
How do I...?
Work with attached records and activities
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