Using Unicode Data with the Framework

Visual LANSA Framework

Using Unicode Data with the Framework

The Framework can handle Unicode data for certain parameters in certain methods.

For example, all the methods for reading and writing data to/from the instance list can handle Unicode data for the Visual Identifiers and AColumns.

The general rules are:

Writing Data

When writing data to the Framework, you can continue to use the same parameter, and use either an Alphanumeric field or a Unicode (NChar NVarChar) field as input.

For example both these statements are valid:

#avListManager.AddtoList AColumn1(#MyAlphaField)

#avListManager.AddtoList AColumn1(#MyUnicodeField)


Reading Data

When reading Unicode data from Unicode-enabled parameters, you must use the new u version of the parameter if you want the Unicode data to be displayed correctly.

For example if reading Unicode-data that is outside the native character set, this statement is not valid:

#avListmanager.GetSelectedInstance AColumn1(#MyUnicodeField)


But this one is OK:

#avListmanager.GetSelectedInstance AColumn1u(#MyUnicodeField)


However, if you are not reading Unicode data that is outside the native character set, all these statements are OK:

#avListmanager.GetSelectedInstance AColumn1(#MyUnicodeField)

#avListmanager.GetSelectedInstance AColumn1(#MyAlphaField)

#avListmanager.GetSelectedInstance AColumn1u(#MyUnicodeField)

So pre-existing logic will continue to run ok.


Relationship Handlers

If you are using a relationship handler to build tree-style instance lists, and you want to add Unicode data to the instance list, you must use a reusable part as the relationship handler, not a function.



See shipped examples DF_T35* and DM_T35* for examples of using Unicode with filters, command handlers, relationship handlers and snap in instance lists.

Note about VLF Tools and Extensions

If you have created VLF tools or extensions that read the internal VLF object model, you may need to modify and/or recompile them. Some of the VLF's internal properties have been changed to be Unicode and you may need to add .asNativeString to your references.


Also see:

Unicode Data in Code Tables

Unicode Data in Virtual Clipboard

Unicode Data in Tracing