Search Field Width

Visual LANSA Framework

Search Field Width

Applies to Windows Framework and .NET applications.

This option defines the width of the search field on the tool bar. A value of zero indicates the search field should not appear and the search feature should not be enabled. 

The search field only appears in the main Framework window or in full Framework window(s) opened from within it. The search list is a statically positioned list. If you resize the VLF main window while it is displayed, it will stay in the same position. When the user moves the focus away from the search field, the search list will immediately disappear.  

The most recently used business object details are stored in the system virtual clipboard, so they are lost when the virtual clipboard is cleared.  

The first time that a user performs a search a list of text from all authorized business objects is built. This process checks the user’s authority to use the business objects, so if you are using an expensive business object authority checking IIP you should consider this when enabling this feature.   

The words that appear in the search field and the results list are all exposed as normal customer modifiable multi-lingual variables. They may be customized in the usual manner.   

Also see Quick Find Box on the tool bar and Allow Search/Recently Used Limit .

 This property is in the Framework Details tab.