Other things worth knowing about Query Programs
Query program listens for the signals from UF_TRVRS for the types of object it is interested in, and stores information about the objects.
The query program can store the object information any way it chooses: It can store object references in a collection, or in a List or grid (using the .RelatedReference property of the current item). Or it can get the object property information at the time it receives the signal, and store it in fields in an ordinary list.
There are two kinds of framework object:
- Normal objects with names like VF_FPnnn (e.g. VF_FP003). There are multiple instances of these objects, and if you have the object reference, it is a reference to a particular instance. You automatically have access to all the properties of the instance.
- Member objects with names like VF_FPMnn (e.g. VF_FPM09). These objects were designed this way for performance reasons. In this case there is only one actual instance, and the properties of all instances are stored internally inside the single object instance. To get the properties of a particular instance, you must first set a property called CurrentMemberGUID to the value for that instance.
The main framework objects in these examples are:
The main RAMP objects are:
By exploring these objects using the Visual LANSA F2=Feature Help option you can discover the properties that they contain. If you have questions about the properties please post a message to the VLF forum.