How can I change the list of Framework versions shown

Visual LANSA Framework

How can I change the list of Framework versions shown?

If you have a lot of Frameworks and start up as a VLF designer you are asked to choose which one to use:



If you want to change this list of choices, or keep different lists of choices, then it’s worth knowing:

  • The displayed list of choices comes from a text file that you name in your VLF system entry point.
  • The shipped entry point UF_DESGN uses the name vf_sy001_system_choice.txt for this file because of this line of code:

    Set Com(#Com_Owner) Usystemxmlfile('vf_sy001_system.xml') Usystemxmlchoice('vf_sy001_system_choice')


  • vf_sy001_system_choice.txt is kept in the LANSA system’s partition execute folder, so it is shared on multi-developer systems.    
  • The last Framework you used is kept in a file named vf_sy001_system_choice_Last_Used.txt, which resides in your personal temporary directory (*TEMP_DIR) because it reflects what you used last.