Create Your Own Imbedded Interface Points IIP

Visual LANSA Framework

Create Your Own Imbedded Interface Points (IIP)

The Imbedded Interface Point (IIP) for Windows is the component specified in the Framework Details tab (to get there menu (Framework) --> option (Properties...) --> Framework Details tab ). The option is called User Imbedded Interface Point. The shipped value for this is component UF_SYSTM.

To do your own IIP Windows checking, all you have to do is create your own version of UF_SYSTM with a different name, and then edit it and modify the relevant method routine to do what you want it to do, compile it, and then change the option from UF_SYSTM to the name of your version.


The Imbedded Interface Point (IIP) for web is the function specified in the Web/RAMP Details tab (to get there menu (Framework) --> option (Properties...) --> Web/RAMP Details tab ). The option is called "IIP User Sign on function name". The shipped value for this is component UFU0001.

To do your own IIP web checking, all you have to do is create your own version of function UFU0001 with a different name, and then modify it to do what you want it to do, compile it, and then change the Framework setting from UFU0001 to the name of your version of the function.

Most of the documentation for these IIPs is in the source code of UF_SYSTM and UFU0001. Also see What Imbedded Interface Points are Provided?