Filters and List Manager

Visual LANSA Framework

Filters and List Manager

Your filter components will control what entries are displayed in the instance list.

The List Manager provides these methods you can use in your filters:

In Windows and WAM Applications

Invoke #avListManager.BeginListUpdate

Is used to indicate to the list manager that you are about to begin updating the instance list. In effect BeginListUpdate and EndListUpdate are used to define the boundaries of your list update transaction. The list manager will cause the busy light to be displayed when you begin a list update.

Also see Updating and Deleting Instance List Entries.

Invoke #avListManager.ClearList

Is used to clear the current instance list.

Invoke #avListManager.AddtoList

Is used to add a new entry to the instance list or to update an existing one. You need to supply VisualID1 and VisualID2 as well as AKeyn and NKeyn values to this method.

There is also a Select parameter available to indicate whether the instance should be selected.

The AddToList method has an optional BusinessObjectType parameter which allows filters to add different business object types to the same instance list.

There is also an optional RowColor parameter which allows filters to specify the color when adding an Instance list entry. See Changing the Color of List Entries (RowColor).

Invoke #avListManager.EndListUpdate

Is used to indicate to the list manager that you have completed updating the list. The list manager will turn off the busy light and update the list displayed on the screen.

Invoke #avListManager.RemovefromList


Not currently available for WAMs.

Is used to remove an entry from the instance list. AKeyn and NKeyn values are required to uniquely identify which entry is to be removed. If the entry does not exist then the request is ignored.  

Invoke #avListManager. UpdateListEntryData


Not currently available for WAMs.

Is used to rapidly update the data content of an existing instance list entry. If the entry does not exist then the request is ignored. Does not need to be bracketed by BeginListUpdate and EndListUpdate method calls.


Invoke #avListManager. RefreshRelationship 

Not currently available for WAMs.


Is used to refresh a child/descendant tree ‘cluster’ in an instance list that is displayed as a tree. This method causes a tree child node cluster to be refreshed by calling the relationship handler again. Things you need to know about this method:

  • If the child node cluster has not been previously expanded, the refresh request is ignored.  
  • If the child node cluster has been previously expanded, then the relationship handler is called to (re)expand the relationship again. The instance list entries it returns cause existing tree nodes to be updated, or new entries to be inserted. Tree nodes that existed before the relationship handler was called, but were not returned by it, are deleted from the tree and instance list.
  • Typically this method is only used on the lowest child level in a tree.
  • If you have trouble using this method, turn on application tracing and review the output it produces.

Also see Updating and Deleting Instance List Entries.



Invoke #avListManager.AlterColumnHeadings


Not currently available for WAMs.


Is used to override the instance list column headings at run time. This can be used to make the instance list suit the result of different filter searches.

Invoke #avListManager.ResetAlteredHeadings


Not currently available for WAMs.


Is used to remove all overrides the instance list column headings.

Invoke #avListManager.DisplaySorted


Not currently available for WAMs.


Is used to sort the instance list by a visible or hidden column, at run time. Up to four sort columns can be specified.


Refer to tutorial VLF013WIN - Signaling Events or VLF013WAM - Signaling Events for step-by-step instructions of how to update entries in an instance list.

The programming model used to manage instance lists is the same in Windows and Web browser applications, even though the syntax used is different.

This example fills an instance list with Employee details in Windows and WAM applications:

* Start the list updating and clear the current instance list 

Invoke Method(#avListManager.BeginListUpdate)

Invoke Method(#avListManager.ClearList)

* Select all employees with specified surname (generically) and add to instance list 

Select Fields(#SURNAME #GIVENAME #EMPNO) From_File(PSLMST2) With_Key(#SURNAME)


Use Builtin(BCONCAT) With_Args(#GiveName #SurName) To_Get(#FullName)

Invoke Method(#avListManager.AddtoList) Visualid1(#Empno) Visualid2(#FullName)



* Instance list updating has been completed

Invoke Method(#avListManager.EndListUpdate)