Things to be careful with when using Custom Properties

Visual LANSA Framework

Things to be careful with when using Custom Properties

Test Custom Properties by Signing on as an End-user

You should always test your custom properties signed on as an end-user and using the UF_EXEC (or equivalent) entry point. Testing while signed on as designer (UF_DESGN or equivalent) or as an administrator (UF_ADMIN or equivalent) is not advisable.     

Save and Restart the Framework after Altering Custom Properties

If you do wish to test your custom properties while using the Framework as a designer or administrator then you should always save and restart the Framework after making any changes to custom property definitions and before running applications that access them.   

Always specify Default Value(s)

You should always specify a default value for any property. There are several reasons for doing this:

  • If the property cannot be changed by the administrator then this is of course essential.
  • If the administrator does not set or change the property for a specific user then the value is not stored with the user. The current default value is always used.  
  • If the property can be changed by the administrator then a good default will save the administrator time and reduce your support costs.     
Spend time on Help Text

Spending three minutes on simple custom property help text now may save you a day of support time later.

Changing and Redeploying Custom Properties

If you change the definition of an existing custom property and/or remove values from a list associated with it and then (re)deploy your Framework definition you need to carefully consider the ramifications, especially if many users already have their own unique values and lists for the property saved.   

Having too many Custom Properties

While there is no specific limit on how many custom properties you can define with in a Framework, having more than 100 would mean that your Framework might start to encounter some usability issues.

Custom User properties in WAMs

When using Custom User properties in WAMs, do not set or retrieve custom user properties in the uHandleEvent routine.  Allow the Framework to initialize the WAM first. Set or retrieve custom properties in the uExecute or other routines.