Step 3 Add a Routine to Listen for the EMPLOYEE_CHANGED Event

Visual LANSA Framework

Step 3. Add a Routine to Listen for the EMPLOYEE_CHANGED Event

In this step you will change the Employees filter to listen for the EMPLOYEE_CHANGED event.

1.   Locate and open the Employees filter iiiCOM04.

2.   Display the Source tab.

3.   Register the EMPLOYEE_CHANGED event in the UHandleEvent webroutine:


Invoke Method(#avFrameworkManager.avRegisterEvent) Named(EMPLOYEE_CHANGED) Signalaswamevent(2)


The UHandleEvent will now look like this:

4.   Scroll to the end of the WAM source and add an event routine to listen for the EMPLOYEE_CHANGED event signal:

Evtroutine Handling(#avFrameworkManager.uWAMEvent_2) Withid(#eventid) WithAinfo1(#Ainfo1) Options(*noclearmessages *noclearerrors)




5.   In the event routine first add code to check the event id:

If '#EventId.Value = EMPLOYEE_CHANGED'




6.   Then save the current key values from overwrites done by the select loop:


Inz_List #Save_Keys 1



7.   Assign the value passed by the signaled event to the EMPNO field:


#EmpNo := #AInfo1



8.   Start updating the instance list:


Invoke Method(#avListManager.BeginListUpdate)



9.   Fetch the details of the employee that has been updated:





10.   Update the entry in the instance list:



Invoke #avListManager.AddtoList Visualid1(#EMPNO) Visualid2(#FULLNAME) AKey1(#EMPNO)



11.   Complete the instance list update:


Invoke Method(#avListManager.EndListUpdate)



12.   Lastly restore the saved key values:


Get_Entry 1 #Save_Keys



Your finished code will look like this:

13.   Compile the filter and check it in.