Snap in Instance List
If you have coded a snap in instance list handler, it can be modified to handle changes to row color like this:
define_com #prim_vs #TempVisualStyle Reference(*dynamic)
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Redefine the standard uAddListEntry method
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mthroutine Name(uAddListEntry) Options(*Redefine)
* Add the details to the instance list
Add_Entry #Inst_List
Set_Ref #KeyedGridItems<#uInstanceIdentifier> To(#Inst_list.CurrentItem)
* Set the visual Style based on the RowColor
invoke #avListManager.uGetRowColor uUII(#uInstanceIdentifier) RowColorStyle(#TempVisualStyle)
if_ref #TempVisualStyle is_not(*null)
* the filter has set a RowColor to a Visual Style, or has set it back to DEFAULT
set #Inst_List.Currentitem VisualStyle(#TempVisualStyle)
* The filter has not specified the RowColor or has specified it as blank - no change to row style - do nothing
You can handle changes to row color similarly in mthroutine UpdateListEntryData.