How to Use the Instance List Popup Feature

Visual LANSA Framework

How to Use the Instance List Popup Feature


See shipped examples DF_T3301 DF_T3302 DF_T3303.

Create a reusable part with an ancestor of VF_AC021. It is probably easiest to copy the source code of a simple popup panel like DF_T3301, and modify it.

Compile your reusable part.

Now snap it in to a business object by opening the business object's properties, and going to the instance list tab, and setting the properties shown below.


Save the framework and run it

If you run the framework in Direct-X mode, and mouse over the instance list over an item of the correct business object type, you should see the popup.

The user can enable or disable all available popups by right mouse clicking instance list popups, as shown.


In the popup panel the mandatory uLoad routine has the following parameters:

Akey1-5 *input

NKey1-5 *input

Visual ID 1

Visual ID 2

User Object Type of the business object  *input

subtype *input

EdgeLeft *input

EdgeRight *input

Left *both

Top *both


The first 6 properties are the standard framework identifiers for instance list entries.

The EdgeLeft / EdgeRight properties are the position of the left and right edges of the instance list. These values can be used to set the popup's Left position relative to the instance list, by returning the Left parameter. (See DF_T3303)

* you could ignore the cursor position and locate the popup relative to the list's left or right boundaries

#Left := (#EdgeRight - 200)

Left and Top allow the panel designer to re-position the popup based on the cursor position. The values received are based on the cursor's current location. The designer's logic can either increment these, or replace them with a position that ignores the cursor position.  (See DF_T3301)


* If you want to offset the popup from the cursor, increment these values

#Left += 50

#Top += 10

For now this feature is limited to the primary instance list, non-cluster entries.