Tracing in Your Client Side AJAX Pages

Visual LANSA Framework

Tracing in Your Client Side AJAX Pages

You can add tracing to your AJAX pages by using the supplied AVTRACE function.

The information you trace appears in the trace window when you execute the Framework in trace mode. The AVTRACE function is defined like this:

AVTRACE("Example1","Search Button Clicked","");


Here’s an example of an AJAX page tracing data when the user clicks a search button:

function BUTTON_Search() 


  /* Ignore if already busy */ 

  if (BUSY()) return;  


  /* Make busy now */ 



  /* Put surname and given name input by user onto virtual clipboard */ 




  /* Trace the values that were put onto the clipboard */ 

  AVTRACE("BUTTON_Search","Surname value set",SURNAME_Search.value);  

  AVTRACE("BUTTON_Search","Given Name value set",GIVENAME_Search.value); 

