Export Instance List Contents

Visual LANSA Framework

Export Instance List Contents

Applies to Windows and .NET applications

This feature allows end-user to easily export the entries in the instance list to a document. There is no additional effort required from the part of Framework developers. The supported document formats in VLF.NET are:

  • Excel
  • PDF
  • HTML
  • CSV

In the Windows environment, templates are not available and the only format currently supported is CSV.

When generating a Microsoft Excel report, the instance list tree structure can be retained through the use of the Outlining feature of Microsoft Excel.

Only entries that are available at the time of the report generation (which means that if you use a relationship handler to do on-demand loading of sub-rows, the report will include only entries that have been retrieved – which will happen when their parent node is expanded). Retrieved entries that are hidden because their parent node is collapsed will still be included in the report.

The entries will be exported in the order they appear at the time of the report generation. The same applies to the columns order (which means that if the end-user moves the column around, that’s the setting that will be used in the report generation).

