For step-by-step instructions of how to deploy a VLF.NET application, see Check List/Planning Sheet WEB-NET.
Also see VLF.NET Manual Deployment – An Alternative Way of Deploying VLF.NET
When you save the Framework with the VLF.NET feature activated, additional .NET files are created in addition to the normal VLF.WEB HTML and JS files.
If your Framework was stored in an XML file named My_Framework.XML and enabled for languages ENG and FRA, these additional .NET files would be produced during a save:
So there are four files per language, suffixed with .application, .exe.manifest, .framework.deploy and app.exe.deploy.
What files need to be put onto the HTTP web server?
The four files per language described above and files VF_WB001.HTM and VF_MULTI_YYY.js (where YYY is the language code).
If you are using RAMP VF_SY120.HTM and VF_SY120.JS need to be included.
These files are self contained.
Of course, the WAM functions used by your Framework as filters and command handlers need to reside on your application server as do any other AJAX HTML files, Style sheets, script files, etc.
Where should these files be served from?
For a developer, from your private folder.
In production environments, your L4Web images folder is the recommended folder.
The server can be an IIS Windows server or a System i Apache HTTP server.
System i Apache server configuration changes
With a System i Apache server some minor configuration changes may need to be made to the MIME types control table so that the files are served correctly:
- Use the Apache administration browser interface (*ADMIN instance in port 2001) and click on Content Settings link.
- In the MIME tab, click on the ADD button to add the following Content-type entries:
Or if editing the configuration file with a text editor, in the relevant section add these lines:
AddType application/x-ms-application application
AddType application/x-ms-manifest manifest
AddType application/octet-stream deploy