How To Use It

Visual LANSA Framework

How To Use It

You invoke the error handler in your application in this way:

Invoke Method(#AvFrameworkManager.avHandleError) CURR_COMP(*component) CURR_CMD('<current command>') CURR_ROUT('<routine name>') CURR_INFO('<Free formatted information about the error>') 

CURR_RETC('<return code>')


Parameter description:


Leave unchanged, it will have the name of the component that had the error

CURR_CMD('<current command>')

Where current command is 20 byte long character field indicating the causing the error

CURR_ROUT('<routine name>')

Where routine name is 10 byte character long field indicating the routine name where the error has occurred

CURR_INFO('<Free formatted information about the error>')

Where Free formatted information about the error is a 255 byte long character field with any extra information you might think useful about the error

CURR_RETC('<return code>')

Where return code is a 2 byte long character field containing the return code, if applicable, of the command that caused the error.